Once again this year members of the Endicott Professional Fire Fighters I.A.F.F. Local 1280 repurposed their boots on "BLACK FRIDAY" (November 29, 2024) and collected donations for The Retired Professional Fire Fighters Cancer Fund. Thousands of dollars were collected for CANCER RESEARCH.
The 10th Annual "BATTLE OF THE BRAVEST" Charity Hockey Game will take place on March 23, 2025 at the Riverbend Ice Center in Binghamton, N.Y. The event brings together Fire Fighters from across Broome County, N.Y. for a very exciting and competitive hockey game. The winner CANCER RESEARCH. In nine years this event has raised $90,531.
On Friday July 12, 2024, we had the honor and privilege on behalf of our VERY GENEROUS DONORS AND SUPPORTERS to present YOUR latest Cancer Research Grant. This $25,000. grant goes to the Johns Hopkins Cancer Center in Baltimore, Maryland for their Esophogeal Cancer Research Program. Pictured (LtoR) Dr. Josephine Feliciano, M.D. Dr.
On Friday June 28, 2024, The Retired Professional Fire Fighters Cancer Fund presented a check for $25,000. to The Wilmot Cancer Institute (University of Rochester, N.Y,) for their Pancreatic Cancer Research Program. Our total donations to The Wilmot Cancer Institute now total $110,000. including another $25,000. to their Pancreatic Research Program in 2016.
We are excited about our relationship with TRIPLE 1ST RESPONSE. More information about this Veteran/Retired Professional Fire Fighter owned Organization is available at their web site: www.Triple1stResponse.com
Click on attached photo and learn how how you can get one of these outstanding shirts and help FIGHT CANCER!
Dear Friends,
In this unprecedented time of the COVID-19 Pandemic, like most non profit organizations we too have been affected. Most of our fund raising events have had to be postponed. I humbly ask each of you to please consider joining us as a "SUPPORTING MEMBER". For $25.
There are many ways to honor the memory of a LOVED ONE. Please consider honoring their memory with a donation to CANCER RESEARCH. When you make a donation to The Retired Professional Fire Fighters Cancer Fund - 100% of your donation goes directly to established, promising, world class cancer research.